Crown Royal Quilt

SKU: TQ Crown Royal-1

Shown here is a sample for a Throw size quilt made from our fabric and YOUR Crown Royal bags. This quilt uses the bags that are roughly 9" from the top of the bag to the gold braiding on the front. The Crown Royal bag with emblem is the center of the blocks and our purple and gold fabric make up the triangles to finish it out.

Throw size requires 20 bags, finished size approx 60"x70"

Full size requires 42 bags, finished size approx 82"x 105"

Queen size requires 56 bags, finished size approx 94"x108"

King size requires 81 bags, finished size approx. 112"x112"

At-a-glance pricing:

Throw size using your bags $220, using our bags: $240
Full size using your bags $310, using our bags:  $350
Queen size using your bags $355, using our bags: $405
King size using your bags $410, using our bags: $486

Ship or bring in the uncut bags to us and we'll do the rest! Address is:

Happy Crafters
1935 Parker
Osawatomie, KS 66064

If you would like a different size, feel free to contact us and we'll get you a quote for a particular size.  Additionally, if you have bags that are a color other than purple, we're happy to use these, just please let us know before ordering!

This quilt takes 5-7 weeks to complete from the date we receive the bags, except around Christmastime. If you want it by Christmas, we need to have the bags in our shop no later than October 1st.